Sunday, December 24, 2006

My Gift To You (LotsaSnow)

I came across this awesome screen-saver for Mac OSX. I thought I would share it with you. Enjoy!



Below is an image of the screen-saver in action:

Picture 1.png

And Happy Holidays.

Friday, December 8, 2006

iphoto to Gmail Plugin...YESSSS!!!

I am glad to report that someone has finally come up with a plugin for iphoto that I will use on a regular basis. If you are like me and convey images of birthdays and holiday to family via gmail, then this is the plugin for you! You can find the plugin here. Enjoy!

Tuesday, November 7, 2006

Microsoft beats Apple to the TV with Xbox Live Video, SD and HD shows

Beginning on November 22, Xbox 360 owners will be able to buy and rent over 1,000 hours of TV and movie programming using the new Xbox Live Video Marketplace.

read more | digg story

Time Magazine's Best Inventions of 2006

Time Magazine has released a list of what it considers to be the best inventions of 2006. YouTube is the number one invention, but they also list many winners in other categories, like cars, food, and health. For all the geeks out here, there's a Tech Toys category. (The talking head has to be my favorite.)

read more | digg story

Sunday, November 5, 2006

Robert Scobles' thoughts about Zune vs. iPod

I respect the thoughts of Robert Scoble, and have to say I agree with him on many points regarding this hot topic. Below is his post that has made news lately.

My thoughts about Zune vs. iPod « Scobleizer - Tech Geek Blogger: " October 26, 2006

So, you’ve seen the Zune video. Here’s my thoughts about whether Microsoft is going to be successful.

I’ll come at it from a number of different angles:


Box design: good. As good as iPod.
Look and feel and overall hardware quality: good. As good as iPod. I actually even liked the brown one a lot.
Screen: better than iPod.
Hard drive size: worse than iPod.
Features: mixed bag, we’ll get into that below.
Price: in the right neighborhood.
Marketing: unknown, but Apple has set such a high bar that I doubt Microsoft can even get close.
Software experience: unknown.
Updateability: better than iPod (if I were Apple I’d worry about this).
Conversationality: (Does it cause a conversation). Here Apple wins with the white headphones hands down.
Integration: beats the iPod cause it works with Xbox.


As an edge case, IE, someone who tries all the latest stuff and gets excited about a lot of it, the Zune abjectly fails"


To Further the discussion, David Caulton a Zune contributor had this to say about the Scobleizer's comments comparing the Zune and iPod.

Thursday, November 2, 2006

Macworld: News: Touch-screen iPod leak by Apple?

Macworld: News: Touch-screen iPod leak by Apple?: "Touch-screen iPod leak by Apple?
By Kevin Railsback, Infoworld

In an iPod developer feature guide on the Apple website, they apparently have leaked a confirmation of the upcoming touch-screen iPod. On page 10 of the PDF the following text appears:

Note: Linking to photos and videos is supported only for 5th generation iPods running iPod Software version 1.2 or later. All other Notes feature capabilities described in this document are supported for iPod models with display screens, beginning with the touch-screen models.

In the PDF that section shows a bar off to the left, like it is still text undergoing editing and most likely was not meant to be released to the public."

(Via Mackworld.)

Mac OS X Hints: Make sure your mailboxes really are empty

Mac OS X Hints: Make sure your mailboxes really are empty: "Here's how to get to the Account Info window in Mail to view what's actually sitting on your mail server."

(Via Macworld.)

Sunday, October 29, 2006

Gear Guide: For your private enjoyment

This is what I am talking about, an ipod gear guide for the masses. With Christmas coming this is just what I needed.  Not to mention it is from one of my favorite sources too.

Feature: Gear Guide: For your private enjoyment: "We kick off our winter gear guide with a look at iPod-friendly headphones, speakers, and software aimed at your personal listening pleasure."

(Via Macworld.)

Can I Get an ‘Hallelujah’ for Auto-Completion With the Esc and F5 Keys?

Can I Get an ‘Hallelujah’ for Auto-Completion With the Esc and F5 Keys?

"The Cocoa text system has a built-in auto-complete feature that is tied to the system-wide spelling checker dictionary. Start typing a word in app that uses a Cocoa text editing field, hit the Esc key, and you’ll get a drop-down list of suggested completions."

(Via Daring Fireball.)

Love it or hate it movies

Love it or hate it movies: "Why are the top five most requested netflix movies also on the list of movies that people either love or hate? What makes these movies so contentious?"

(Via digg.)

Addiction level set to 10 - Marvin Spectrum

This game is one of the most addictive games I have come across on the net in a while. Dubbed the Marvin Spectrum, you run through an obstacle course where you use the up, down, and left arrow keys. I have lost hours of my life I will never get back... First seen on Digg, then on Lifehacker Marvin Spectrum has all the trappings of something viral.

Saturday, October 28, 2006

I am In Love....again

The new Blackberry Pearl is the coolest phone I have seem yet, packed with features, and a 1.3 megapixel camera with a flash it is amazing! Check it out here for more details.

Vines Everywhere

This is a photo of one of the many rows of vines I visited this summer at the Grand Pré Winery in the Annapolis Valley, in Nova Scotia. A beautiful place to visit, and one of Nova Scotia's great tasting wines can be samples while you are there.

I suggest you stop at the patio restaurant for a bite, and a glass of wine. 4 stars for sure.

Google Trickery

I was cruising Lifehacker this morning, and came across this link that details how to use the google search engine to find .mp3's on the net. This is an alternative to using limewire or other p2p software solutions, but without taking up any HD space for the app, and any accompanying spyware.


So now that I am using Wordpress, I need a good post creator that i can use off-line. Enter stage right MarsEdit. MarsEdit is a light weight software package for Macintosh, produced by Ranchero makers of my other favorite Mac app NetNewsWire.


I hope to post to this blog on a regular basis. I am excited about the prostect of having an outlet for my techno-lust.