Thursday, November 2, 2006

Macworld: News: Touch-screen iPod leak by Apple?

Macworld: News: Touch-screen iPod leak by Apple?: "Touch-screen iPod leak by Apple?
By Kevin Railsback, Infoworld

In an iPod developer feature guide on the Apple website, they apparently have leaked a confirmation of the upcoming touch-screen iPod. On page 10 of the PDF the following text appears:

Note: Linking to photos and videos is supported only for 5th generation iPods running iPod Software version 1.2 or later. All other Notes feature capabilities described in this document are supported for iPod models with display screens, beginning with the touch-screen models.

In the PDF that section shows a bar off to the left, like it is still text undergoing editing and most likely was not meant to be released to the public."

(Via Mackworld.)

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