Monday, September 8, 2008

Dropbox Invites To Give Away

I have been using Dropbox as a Mobileme's iDisk Substitute for cloud storage mainly because I use the Mac GTD app Things.  The purpose of Dropbox in this context is so I can sync across several Macs by pointing Things at the Dropbox folder on each Mac. The suggestion came from the Cultured Code Things forum that I give Dropbox a try, and it works like a charm.  Without any question this is the best iDisk alternative.  You can check it out at if you like. And Dropbox has created a snappy iPhone web interface to boot. Unfortunately it is an invite only beta at this point, so....

I have 9 Dropbox invites to give away.  First come first serve.


  1. I'd love an invite thanks!

  2. @tez: Your invite is sent. Enjoy!

  3. I would enjoy an invite. Thanks.

  4. @johnyt: Your invite has been sent.

  5. I would be great if you send me an invitation. thanks in anticipate!

  6. @Nahum Garcia: Did you work on Nomadesk?

  7. @Andrew Daley: No. i just knew about them in this blog's comments! Did you know someone with my name there?

  8. @Nahum Garcia: I deleted the post from Wijndaele Stjin who was pimping Nomadesk. Wijndaele Stjin after looking at his blog worked on Nomadesk, so I deleted his post as spam. I tried both Dropbox and Nomadesk but because I am a Mac user found Dropbox a more efficient tool when compared to Nomadesk which is geared towards Windows users with no Mac interface.

  9. @Andrew Daley: I'm not a Nomadesk worker at all. I am a musician! :) I work for a Spanish media producer called Zinkia Entertainment. The avatar that appeared on my comment was not chosen by me, it was automatic.

  10. Sorry for the confusion. I will send the invite right away. I did not realize that the Avatars where auto-generated. Many apologies to you or anyone I may have offended. Wijndaele Stjin's post about Nomadesk kinda set me off.

  11. @Andrew Daley: I'm a mac user too (i think most musician these days are, or should!), and when I saw the demo video of dropbox, I liked it a lot! It would be very useful for my office/home mac sync issues; and I think my girl is gonna love it too. jajaja

  12. @Nahum Garcia: If you have an iPhone I have been trying the webapp interface for Dropbox and it has been working great. It is a little slow and I hope the developer comes out with a native app soon. Once you are set up, you will have ten invites to give away one of which I assume will go to your girl... I sent the invite to your gmail account. Enjoy.

  13. Thanks a lot!! i got an iphone last week, and I will try Dropbox on it too! I haven't received the invitation yet. I'll tell you when it gets to me. Thanks again

  14. Very cool. I love the iPhone, and all it's appy goodness. Keep checking your gmail account it shoud show up shortly. I will continue to post about what I stumble upon regarding the iPhone and other cool Mac stuff, so check back every once and a while.

  15. The invitation didn't get to my inbox or my spam box. It's normal that it takes so long?

  16. No, it should be instant. I will send you another one tonight from home rather then from work. I will e-mail you when it is sent. Give me a couple of hours.

  17. Thank you very much! Today we don't work in Madrid, and it's raining outside, so it's a perfect day for new stuff on the macbook.

  18. Jaja, si entiendo.It is raining here in New Brunswick Canada too!

  19. Andrew, I did not receive the invite you sent either. If you could send one again that would be great. And thanks again.

  20. @Nahum Garcia: Your invite is now on the way. Let me know if there is still no invite.

    @Johnyt: Yours was sent earlier for sure, when I tried to re-sent a message came up telling me that I already invited you. So give it a little time. Maybe it got filtered out to a junk mailbox or something.

    I am not sure if I get to reclaim invites that do not get acted on. If I do @johnYT I will send again. I hope it shows up for you. Let me know if you are still not getting the invite.

  21. I just received it now. Thanks.

  22. This is great news johnyt, enjoy!

  23. I got it! Thanks a lot! Now for a second monday of this week. cheers!
